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“This is a stronger and a more robust way to fully understand whether there are systemic patterns or trends,” Huyer said. The province holds coroner’s inquests into individual deaths of inmates, but individual inquests don’t always allow or provide an overview of challenges in the province’s corrections system, and inquests can occur several years after the deaths, he said. This advertisement has not loaded yet, but your article continues below.

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The report, based on deaths from 2014 to 2021, should be made public by early next year at the latest, Huyer said. We desire reasonable and practical and implementable recommendations,” Huyer said.

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“They’ll know who would be most likely and most able to implement the recommendations that they provide. The panel also will guide where the recommendations should go, he said. “We will bring those who have specific knowledge of the culture, the processes, and the world of corrections together, and allow them to bring their joint perspective to the table to develop recommendations,” he said. The findings based on those interviews and other data collected will be sent to a panel of experts who will help develop recommendations, with the aim of preventing further deaths and improving the health and safety inside correctional facilities, Huyer said. Officially called the Correctional Services Death Review, the investigation began in earnest in the spring and a team has been interviewing a cross-section of families of inmates who died, as well as correctional staff and others, Huyer said.

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It’s a broader look, a very systematic approach for change,” he said in an exclusive interview with The London Free Press. “It’s my belief that this will provide a significant opportunity to look at systemic issues. Dirk Huyer, chief coroner of Ontario, said. The investigation will examine the overall patterns of the deaths and lead to recommendations for changes to the province’s corrections system, Dr.

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